Dieses Gedicht handelt von meiner Zeit in Amerika und davon
wie einfach ich hier Freunde finde.
Freunde sind
Engel ohne Fluegel,
sie fangen dich auf
wenn du in die Tiefen der
Angst stuerzt.
Fuer Nellie:
A real friend is
more worth than thousend
Angels saving you.
'cause a friend is allways
right beside you.
Fuer Ambar:
laughing is the best
medicine you can give to a friend.
It's the healthiest drug you can make
him addicted to. So make all your friends addicted to
Fuer Paola:
There are so many evil
things in that creepy world,
but beeing a witch is the nicest one of all.
It's not bad to have a witch as a friend.
Not even if her laugh is really really creepy.