Dream Wife
Internalize those words my heart, my soul... my precious, dearest wife:
Everything I can and ever will do feels so much better with you around.
Before I've strayed around on mud, you've turned it into stable ground!
You are the necessary spice which was always missing in my whole life.
Nothing I do could ever be perfect enough for you! Nothing on earth!
Like I always tell you, like I always will: You only deserve the best.
Only a real angel like you is able to bait me into the far, wild
There's no lost treasure I could dig out, which could match your worth!
Everything I did before you became mine was so damn pointless to me.
Your love is the ending of my struggle and my misery. It's just past.
With your caring guidance and support there's no pain which could last.
Finally found out, that my true happiness waits over the mighty sea.
Now that your name gives me company all the time, my cervine bride!
Now that your name rests deeply and forever into my excited
covered in it safely like a cocoon, became the most important part.
Ready to hatch every time when you are next to me! Right on my side.
I've found the meaning of my life every time, when you smile at me.
I've found gratefulness for my entity every time you lie in my arms.
You easily could replace for me thousands of blessed, lucky charms!
You built deep roots in my soul, like your favorite, strong oak tree.
Believing in purity again every time you reveal to me your true
Doubting my age, feeling fire again when you expose in front of me.
Being silly, serious, wild, loving, conquering: With you I feel free.
My child of nature, native being of the woods. My sweet, little elf.