"Let me have a guess, young lady. You don't like fancy dresses, do you?"
"No, I don't. But my parents love them."
"Despite you hate these fancy dresses, however, why are you wearing such right at the moment?"
"To be honest, I do a favor for my aunt. She's very ill, her cancer spreads, and all she wanted was to see her beautiful niece in other
clothes than casual."
"Sorry to hear that. I had a friend which passed away due to cancer which was in summer 1958 when I was just 14 years old. By the way my name is Herbert."
"Arianna. Nice to meet you, Herbert."
"The pleasure is mine."
"Likewise. So I hope I didn't interrupt you from reading your newspaper?"
"No need to excuse, I was just reading an article. In must confess reading articles today is bothering."
"They contain several mistakes, misunderstandings and so on. Journalists sell lies, their work is a steaming pot full of non-respectable methods to get information."
"Yeah, I see where the problem is. Damn it, time is running. Work is calling. It was nice talking to you."
"Yes, it was. I always enjoy good company. God bless you and your family."
Das Schreiben dieser wirklich kurzen Konversation hat mich auf die Idee gebracht, Gespräche zu analysieren, die leicht ins Politische/Alltägliche abgleiten. Ich möchte damit verdeutlichen, dass diese Situation vielleicht dem einen oder anderen vage bekannt sein dürfte. Insofern hatte es Spaß gemacht, diese Gedanken
niederzuschreiben. Mir ging es auch darum, ein möglichst stilistisch sicheres Auftreten zu symbolisieren.