
10 S.
10 S.



No one knows what's going on inside of my head It's making me faint, it's making me mad I have no force, I have no power It becomes unbearable, hour for hour Everyday, day after day, every week, Every month, I stuck but never give up to seek Seeking my calmness, seeking my joy Seeking the real life, I am

waiting for No one knows what's going on inside of my head Inside of my mind, it's driving me mad This helplessness and desperation, to I need help, I need support, I need - You

What if...

What if I don't fit in the <<image>> anymore? If I start to be who I actually am? What if I start to think on my own? -Would you still be here with me? What if I show you what's going on inside of my mind? If I tell you how I really feel inside? What if I reveal you my real

name? -Would you still be the same? What if I make you see the burden I have to take? If I make you see what is laying on my shoulders? What if I confess that I never was alright? -Would you still be by my side?

The Red Balloon

The fear you'd never show It's the pain you've never let go Concerns and distress, you got everything in abundance You are captured and pained in a horrible wire fence Why is that feeling so cruel? Why does it destroy the other feelings at all? That feelings which give you your happiness back Why are they painting your heaven black? You are crying in pain but

nobody hears Nobody knows your daily fears If all the problems, worries and fears could fly away Like a red balloon, I would say: It'll save your life, every day

10 S.


Über den Autor

Ich bin ein Alien, ein Fangirl, ein Nerd Noob, eine Schildkröte, Seriensuchtie, ein Optimist mit einem tiefschwarzen Sinn für Humor, Wannabekünstlerin, OC-Mama, ein kleines faules Etwas, das zu viel nachdenkt, Simmer, eine kindgebliebene Erwachsene mit viel zu vielen Interessen, verrückt und vielleicht etwas zu phantasievoll...ach ja, und schreiben tu ich auch! :^D

Wer jetzt noch nicht die Flucht ergriffen hat, bekommt einen imaginären Keks. c':


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