I am sitting in my garden.
The sun is shining bright.
The rays of the sun feel warm on my skin.
I see a bird.
Yellow, orange, red.
I hear it tweeting.
Loud, friendly, simple.
Ismell the fresh laundry from my neighbor's balcony.
Spring, flowers, color, life.
I lift myself and jump up in the air.
I jump higher. Again. Like a bouncing ball, until I am in the stratosphere.
Light, thin air, darkness.
How do I know if I am still alive if nothing is around me?
When I turn my head to the left, I can see the earth.
I stop for a moment..
I can not recognize people or animals.
No life!
All around me it is quitet.
I look to my right. What is there?! North, South, East or West?!
Does it matter?
Some falling stars cross my way.
Bright, yellow, fast. Dying.
Far to right I can see the Milky Way.
I look back to the earth.
Nothing is moving. Can it really be that there is life?
If I would jump higher could I reach another universe?
Is it my own coldness?
The earth is colourful, tweeting, green, good smelling.
Do I exist here in the nowhere?! Or am I only alive if I am on earth?!
Does anybody watch us, while we follow our daily routine on the earth?
Are we marionettes?
I want to go back to my bird-song-filled, living garden.
Sitting on my yellow swing porch,
sitting on life
Hearing people on the street talking about the consistency of the bread from the new baker,
birds singing above me on my walnut tree,
hearing life.
Smelling the walnuts, the laundry from my neighbor's balcony,
smelling life.
Feeling a fresh breeze of the upcoming fall,
feeling life.
Seeing the leaves of the trees, turning gold bronze yellow, vermilion orange, ruby red,
seeing life.
What makes us alive, why and where?